Saturday, April 7, 2012

Liquorice - Turns 13 years YOUNG!

I just wanted to wish my girl Liquorice - Ch. OTCh. Beachcombers Liquroice CD (Am), CGC, CGN, RD, RE, TC.  Today she turns 13 years young and is truly young at heart.  She loves her food, and outdoor play.  In 2010 she was #1 Dalmatian in Canada for Obedience for the second time in her life.  She had many first for me in her show, conformation, obedience and road trials and just this year is retired from competition. 

When I bought my puppy 13 years ago, little did I know where it would lead me.  Most importantly, it gave me some important friendships.  The most treasured would be with friend and mentor Bertha Little who is Liquorice's breeder.  

Today I can only say - Happy Birthday girl and thank you Bertha for giving me such a sound, healthy and amazing Dalmatian.  She is pictured here in the sun room on her Birthday.