Saturday, May 7, 2011

National News

Daisy beside a lake
Daisy wins Top 20 at the Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty!

Gr. Ch. BIS, BISS Blackthorn's Flower Power wins the Top 20 and Best of Opposite at the DCA.  Daisy is owned by Bertha Little, Joan Eversole and Jeff Langevin and handled by Jeff Langevin.

It was an all in the family event as her Daughter Miley (Gr. Ch Sweetspots Hot2Spot Best of Both Worlds owned by Laurie Isaacson)  also competed as she qualified for the Top 20.  

Miley also qualified her Rally Novice class and Pre-Novice class and the Beginner Novice class.  Congratulations Laurie and Miley.

1 comment:

  1. We have a rescue Dal from Bertha Little. Lily was born on July 14, 2006 out of Daisy. She was 3 when we got her and she has come a long way. She didn't know anything.....was unsure of grass under her feet but now she follows her nose everywhere on our farm.
