Saturday, February 19, 2011


This last few weeks we have had lots of snow.  My husband has been perfecting the art of Igloo making and today he made the second in our back yard.  The first got hit by rain and got too small.  Tonight my husband and the kids are sleeping in the igloo for a winter camping adventure. Liza snuggled down in between the sleeping bags.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow In Newfoundland

Liza jumping for a snowball

Liza trying to get carrot off top of snowman

Liza still trying to get carrot off of snowman
Today we had a dump of wet snow.  It was the kind that makes a great snowman.  Len, Alida, Fern and Liza went out to make a snowman in the back yard.  Liza was very interested in seeing if she could get the carrot off of the snowman.  Liza also likes to jump for snowballs and she has an amazing spring in her legs.